Understanding the Armour of God
The Belt of Truth - Part 1
God has not left us alone but has given us armor to protect us and to help us in our fight, so that we might stand firm.
Psalm 86:11 - “Teach me Your ways, O Lord, that I may live according to Your truth! Grant me purity of heart, so that I may honor You.”
“Truth is in Jesus.” Truth flows from Jesus, the King of the Universe and God, Himself. As the second person of the Trinity, He created all things. So any truth finds its roots, its source, in Jesus Christ.
The truth refers to Christ Himself and all the truth He embodies. But what do we actually do to put this armor on?
When it comes to decisions I’m making, to how I navigate relationships, to how I parent, to how I work, to how I worship and believe, who or what has the final say in my life?
To fasten on the belt of truth is to give Christ the final say in our lives (v. 14).
Truth keeps us secure in Christ and makes effective all the other pieces of armor in place. Truth is a person. Jesus Christ.
By Stella Ashworth
The Bay Friendship Club