The Bay Talks - I have Decided to Follow Jesus
“I have decided to follow Jesus. No turning back. No turning back.” Giving up your past and all the scars of it, is a tough choice. We tend to hold onto them because we think it is what defines who we are. The past always have a way of creeping up on us and reminding us of our former self. The moment we take our eyes of Jesus, we can easily fall back into our former ways. Jesus wants us to look to Him and let go of whatever is holding us back. During tough times, when the past keeps knocking and you are overwhelmed with this world, remember this. “I have decided to follow Jesus. No turning back. No turning back.” Look straight ahead and keep going.
“Though none go with me, still I will follow.” Sometimes when we make the choice to follow Christ, it can lead us on a lonely road. We can loose friendships even family. Worldly people tend to think that God’s people are boring and we fear to be labelled. We are so afraid of how others will see us and we fear isolation from the pleasures of this world. Regardless of this, choose Christ. Be faithful to Him even if that means walking alone. Be brave in your walk. Knowing that with God, you never walk alone. He is always with you, even to the end of this age. So remember, “Though none go with me, still I will follow. No turning back, no turning back.”
By Stella Ashworth