The Bay Talks - Facing the Storm

God at work can be powerful. Have faith during the storms of your life. Count it a blessings and thank God for His presence. Lift up the fallen as you walk in prayer with them. Reach out to others and put your faith into works.
You have to learn to pick up your cross and face your battles. Face your giants and overcome them. Fight the good fight of faith. Put on the full Armor of God, keep getting up and don’t give up. Fight back with all your faith and trust in God. Even if that faith is “as small as a mustard seed.”
Face your battles and overcome them. God is with you and will never leave you. God at work is a powerful sight. So have faith during the storms of your life and overcome them. Count it a blessings and thank God for His presence. Learn to praise Him in the mist of storms and chaos and I promise that you will see the Glory of God come shining through.